Anywho's.... Catch up time....
So my mom came to visit and we all went to Disney a few weeks ago, it was really nice to get some long walks in and with my fit bit I was able to track 18,000+ step in one day. I was so excited, I even jogged while waiting in line to help get my stats up. Over the three days we were there I never came home with less than 13,000 steps.
The scale... what a Bitch... I swear the scale has to be a women. The type that holds a grudge over one piece of chocolate, or the fact that you only worked out for 45 mins instead of an hour, the fact that when you tried on those shorts they were super cute but if you lost about 10 pounds they would be freakin HOTT!!~ I am telling you all in bloggersphere... The scale is a nasty, hateful women who wants to see you oppressed.
I have been working out several days a week and I finally had my second fill on this past Monday. I can tell there is a bit more restriction but not much. I also met with the nutritionist and told her I think the idea of only consuming 30 carbs a day is ridiculous. She agreed that she doesn't like the idea and told me if I wanted to switch my focus to calories she would be supportive of that. She also explained that most hospital bariatric programs and the American Bariatric association say that you should eat 5 to 6 small meals per day. A total daily value of about 800-1000 calories is typical and at each setting you should consume about 1 cup of food total. She said protein is #1, whole grains and then fruits. I was some what relieved to hear her agree with me. I was starting to get really frustrated. My Dr. on the other hand is stead fast about only consuming 30 carbs per day. When I went back to the Dr. I had lost an additional 5 pounds, 4 of it was total fat, and 1lbs. was muscle. While that is not so impressive I will take it. I have had no restriction since the second week of surgery and I have had to maintain and lose on my own. My husband keeps telling me to be patient. He says once you get to the "sweet spot" you will start to lose like crazy... I hope he is right.
Last night I was watching the biggest loser and became so disgusted... One of the gals has lost 105 lbs in 16 weeks. WHOLE FREAKIN COW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While I was having a pitty party my husband says, " Ok, so quite your job, hire a star trainer, hire a star nutritionist and work out for 10 hrs a day", then you worries will be over.... I guess he has a point, but dang... NO surgery just pure weight loss.
For those of you much farther ahead in your journey did it take you getting to the "sweet spot" to really see the pounds consistently dropping off? Was there a point post op that it seemed like your dreams and hard work started to pay off? I am trying to be happy with where I am so far. I have seen a change in the clothes I wear and I feel success in the work I am doing. I have also committed my self to a life style change which means I don't starve my self every day I am just more conscious of what I put in my mouth. This also means I don't deprive myself of things I want. My newest and most hard to break addiction is FROZEN YOGURT.... HOLY MOTHER OF GOODNESS.
One last thing... My FITBIT.... Yeah its dead... Dead in the water .... I washed it! The one and only time I have done laundry instead of my husband and I washed the DAMN THING!!!!!!!!!!!! I am sick about it. And at this point , I refuse to buy another one. Urg!!! They need to make a WATER PROOF, fit bit.
Just sayin...
sorry no fills here so I am white knuckling it. I do deprive myself of what I want or I will be just be gaining the weight. I was ticked that the guys walked off the show last night...such a same I do not want to see conda win.