Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The first fill....

Hey all...

Sooooooooooooooo I got my first fill yesterday.... After waiting in the office for over 1hr 15mins... I go in and he gets me set up... I stand in front of the fluroscopy machine and he takes a peak at my insides.... Then he gave me some contrast to drink and we watched it run through the band... He then had me sit on the edge of a chair with my feet elevated and he injected me with some fluid... The prick hurt a bit but he talked me through it, so it wasn't so bad...

I then stood up with the needle hanging out of my belly and I drank more contrast while he monitored it on the screen. He said it was going through slower, but I really couldn't tell.... Anywho's, he put a band aid on me and said see ya in 4weeks....
Today is day two and I don't feel any different. I know I am suppose to be on all liquids but I had no trouble getting eggs down. My doctor advised I should not monitor my calories, he just wants me to focus on 30 carbs or less per day. He explained that he is the professional who has seen this process from many angles and his most successful patients consume 30 carbs or less per day.... Sooooo, back to the low carbs I go... Eek!

I guess since I have PCOS the lack of carbs in my diet will be helpful, it may help to combat the PCOS and aid in a more productive weight loss.

Hubby and I went to the beach and walked yesterday. We didn't go as far on this walk as I had a bit of discomfort but I was still able to get in about 8500 steps yesterday. My goal is to be at the 10K steps per day, but it is a work in progress.

I have committed to using my fitness pal, but I put in a question on the site to see if I could change the settings to focus on carbs instead of Calories..... I will wait to see what comes back.

I hope all is well with you and yours and I greatly appreciate all of your comments from the last blog...

Tata for now...


Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I know its been forever since I posted. Holy cow guys I have been so freakin busy at work it literally makes me sick to my stomach. None the less I have not lost any weight. I know my portions are smaller and I am much more continuous of what I am eating, but the scale is not showing WOW factor.  My exercise could be increased, but ya know what... if I was star athlete with tons of motivation I wouldn't need the darn band!!!

I did get my self a fit bit over the weekend and it is nice to have some accountability. It really allows you to challenge your self and it was good to know how far I had walked the other day. The weather has been so nice my husband and I went to the beach and walked a couple of miles. He wanted to do it again yesterday but I insisted we had to go home and clean the house as the MOTHER IN LAW IS COMING!!!!! Eek!

Aside from not dropping a ton of weight I have been struggling with the idea of calories vs. carbs. I feel like the low carb only diet is not gonna work. It seems toooooooo much like a diet. I understand that counting calories can feel that way as well, but I also feel like you have a little more liberty of things you can consume. The food industry is much more savy with calorie couting than low carb. My biggest concern with calorie couting is how to count the calories unless I eat a lot of prepackaged foods. I am not sure how to count the chicken breast with a side of cabbage... I am not sure how to count the eat out meal that me and hubby share, or the coffee from Starbucks that we split. ~ I know this may sound crazy but I just don't get it... Anywho's maybe a few of you successful bandsters are willing to share your wisdom....

On to another note... went to the running shoe store.... YUK!!! Just as I suspected the guy was so not engaged... I could see the wheels churning in his head... "what the heck is this fat girl doing in her trying to buy some shoes...." None the less I was even more turned off because I general wear a size 9 tennis shoes and I am totally comfortable. This guy brought out a 10.5.... The crappy part is that I only had about a thumbs length of space and he said that was perfect. On top of that the shoes looked like they were on old people steroids. The were so UGLY!!!!!

Anyways the guys suggested that I just were my five finger shoes. He said since I have chosen to do aerobics, dancing and Xbox 360 workouts, then tennis shoes aren't that great anyways. He explained that they are not really made for side to side motion and that the 5fingers offer more agility because they allow you to use a more natural stance than the height of the tennis shoe.... After listening to him I just gave up... I bought some insoles for the shoes I currently have and quickly got outta there... Urg! 

So next challenge... Find the motivation to keep working out..... and hope that my first fill on Monday will go well and jump start my weight loss...

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Lisa, my dear Lisa...

OMG Lisa,

This blog is for me you and my banded friend named Gale.....

Wholly freakin cow I think I could eat an entire COW if cooked medium with a side of mash potatoes. I mean my gosh, I am so freakin hungry and I believe the swelling in my belly has moved on. I will be two weeks post op as of tomorrow and I am starting to freak out. I think this is referred to as Bandster hell???? I may have the terminology all wrong but I can tell you one word I am certain the meaning of  HUNGRY!!!!! OMG you guys, so yesterday all I wanted was some skittles, starburst, snickers or something... So here I am running all over the hospital ( I work at a hospital) trying to figure out what the heck I could eat. I went to the gift shop and all the sugar free candy had like 15 -26 carbs for ONE SERVING... R U kiddin me. Urg!!!

So I went back to my office and the urge was so distraction I ate a piece of gum.... Yeah .... That lasted me about 2 seconds. So I googled "low carb candies", - NOTHING! At least nothing that they would have in the gift shop and the one blog I found about low carb candies said it puts you on the "hershey highway". While last week I was complaining about the "Hershey highway" being closed, detoured or under construction.... I surely don't want to be running off in lieu of a little sweet indulgence. Soooo, what is a gal to do... I went and bought 4 different packs of fruit flavored, sugar free gum and some Orange Tic Tac's.... Well I thought this would satisfy some need of mine... Long story short... 60 Tic Tacs - GONE!!! 7 pieces of gum- GONE!!!  Need for sugar and candy... STILL PRESENT!!!! So .... I go home and I cut up some strawberries and put a little splenda on them... Yummy... Did it feel my need for sugar--NO!!!  Next impulse... The big bowl of plain M&M's screaming at me from across the room. So I take about a teaspoon worth of M&M's and a table spoon of peanuts, mixed those together and enjoyed. Did this satisfy my sweet spot, YES!!!  For the moment...

Soooo, my husband thinks I have been starving him and was really grumpy last evening. I suggest we order take out from his favorite restaurant- Istanbul- There rice is to die for and so is there salad so .... I opted to get double salad, no rice and then I get something called the Spice Adana ( has lamb and some other meats pressed and made into shish ka bobs) and grilled chicken skewers. My hubby gets, DOUBLE RICE and Gyro meat with sauce. The portions are way more than 1/2- 1 cup. But at this point I was so FREAKIN hungry I didn't care. So I ate ALL the salad and saved a few pieces of the chicken and about 4 big bites of the Spicy Adana. Feeling pretty good and full at this point I still needed something sweet.

I hear the M&M's bowl screaming at me AGAIN!!! Yikes how did it learn my name.... So I took another teaspoons worth and snuck into my bedroom before my husband could see me. Well I almost got caught... he says "Hey... where are you going" I said I am looking for my cell phone and can't find it anywhere,I will be back in the living room in just a sec. He then says "I have a special treat for you, look I bought some Weight Watchers Ice Cream bars ( fake snickers), not sure how they taste but good for a snack".  I was like ohhhhhh really... welllllllllll, how many carbs does it have.... he says " welllllll about 16 carbs, but if you eat half it only has about 8 carbs.... " I say to him.... " nah, not tonight I have already consumed a lot of crap today, maybe tomorrow night when I exercise".  I proceed to take a quick bite of his just so he doesn't think I totally blew him off ......Then back to the room I go.

Once he has turned his back.... Down the hatch went he M&M's.... Gulp, great, and likely more than 16 carbs.... LOL...

What is a girl to do.....

So Lisa.... I can totally sympathize with you and my friend Gale who doesn't blog at all and was banded the same day as I was.... Please don't cry your self to sleep thinking you are gonna be a chubby gal for the rest of your life because you want to eat everything in site right now.... We are all feelin your pain.

Happy Thursday and thank GOD tomorrow is Friday!!!!